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The Her Africa Ubuntu Leadership Fellowship (HAULF) is a transformative six-month leadership program designed specifically for CEOs, Founders, C-Suite leaders, and Board Members of organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa. This fellowship aims to cultivate the next generation of African leaders by focusing on three core areas: Self-Mastery, Relational Mastery, and Context Mastery.


In an ever-evolving world, effective leadership is key to driving sustainable change. HAULF is dedicated to empowering leaders who are committed to gender equity and social impact. By integrating Afro-centric values and innovative leadership practices, we ensure our fellows are equipped to lead their organisations and communities with vision and integrity.

Who Should Apply?

CEOs, Founders, C-Suite Leaders, and Board Members: Leading gender-focused organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Full-time leaders with a passion for driving social change and improving the lives of women and girls.

Minimum of three years in the social enterprise sector.

Program Highlights

1. Intensive Residencies:

Nairobi, Kenya, reflecting our commitment to grounding the experience in African realities and perspectives.

Cambridge, United Kingdom, in partnership with the Cambridge Judge Business School, providing a global context to leadership.

3. Comprehensive Support:

360° Leadership Assessment: Personalised feedback and development plans.

Executive and Leadership Coaches: Providing tailored guidance and support.

2. Virtual Learning:

Flexible modules ensuring continuous engagement and learning.

Experiential sessions to apply leadership skills in real-world contexts.

4. Networking and Exposure:

Access to global conferences.

Peer-to-peer sessions fostering a supportive community of leaders.

Application Process

1. Nominations: Organisations, partners, and stakeholders can nominate eligible candidates by 2 August 2024.

2. Application: Nominated individuals complete an in-depth application form by 6 September 2024.

3. Onboarding: Orientation and preparation for the program in November for the fellowship to start in April 2025.

Selection Criteria for Her Africa Ubuntu Leadership Fellowship (HAULF)

The selection committee reserves the right to request additional documents or information to assess the candidate’s eligibility. Applications will be assessed competitively, and not all applicants may be selected for participation in the program.

The Applicant must lead a social enterprise that predominantly focuses on issues concerning women and girls in Africa.

Applicants should either be active CEOs who play a critical role in decision-making and driving their social enterprise's strategy and operations, founders transitioning to a CEO role, or C-Suite Leaders.

Minimum three years of experience in the social enterprise sector. Applicants transitioning from founder to CEO roles should have at least two years of experience running their social enterprise.

Demonstrated commitment to creating positive social impact, specifically on issues concerning women and girls in Africa. Should have a clear vision and strategy for the social enterprise.

Exhibited leadership abilities and growth potential. Ability to inspire, manage and work with teams and communities.

Problem Solving and Adaptability. Ability to identify, analyse, and effectively address problems.

They should demonstrate a need for the skills, insights, and networks the program aims to provide and express a commitment to applying what they have learned to improve their organisation.

Eagerness and commitment to actively participate in collaborative learning sessions, engage with mentors and share knowledge and experiences with peers.

Although not a strict criterion, preference may be given to applicants from underrepresented regions in Africa to foster a diverse and inclusive cohort.

Must demonstrate commitment to adhering to the core values outlined on the AFWAG website at

HAULF Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Her Africa Ubuntu Leadership Fellowship?

The Her Africa Ubuntu Leadership Fellowship (HAULF) is a six-month leadership fellowship designed for leaders of Organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Who can participate in the expedition?

The Fellowship is open to CEOs, C-Suite Leaders, Founders or Board members of gender-focused organisations who work full-time in an African country.

What areas does the Fellowship cover?

HAULF concentrates on three core leadership areas: Self-Mastery, Relational Mastery, and Context Mastery. The components are rooted in an Afro-centric approach, emphasising hands-on, experiential learning.

What is the structure of HAULF?

HAULF features two in-person residencies—one at the beginning and another at the end. The initial residency is in Nairobi, Kenya, reflecting our commitment to grounding the experience in African realities and perspectives. The concluding residency is held in Cambridge, United Kingdom, in partnership with the Cambridge Judge Business School, providing a global context to leadership. In between the residencies, there is a virtual learning component.

What should I expect in the virtual learning component?

  • Virtual learning modules that offer flexibility and continuous engagement.
  • Experiential learning sessions that reinforce real-world application of skills.
  • A comprehensive 360° leadership profile assessment to guide personal development.
  • Peer-to-peer networking sessions that foster a supportive community of leaders.
  • Personalised support through access to an executive coach and a dedicated leadership coach, ensuring focused development and guidance.

How do I apply for HAULF?

Prospective applicants are to be nominated by organisations, partners, or other stakeholders. Nominators must submit an online Nomination Form that includes the nominee’s name, contact information, details about their social enterprise, and the nominee’s role.

What happens after I am nominated?

Nominated candidates will be sent an application link to complete the questions. The completed applications will be reviewed by a selection committee.

Am I expected to pay to be a part of the Fellowship?

No, participating in the fellowship is free and does not attract any payment.

Will AFWAG cover the cost of travel for the residencies?

At this time, we will not be covering the cost of participants’ travel to the residencies.

What are the provisions available for participants of the residencies?

AFWAG will provide participants with accommodation and meals during the residencies.

Expected Fellowship Outcome

At the end of the fellowship program,

  • The capacity of participants will be improved, and their leadership capacity will be expanded.
  • Participants will be poised to continue leading confidently, leveraging vast skills and insights, in the dynamic realm of African social enterprises.
  • Participants’ organisations will be more impactful and sustainable, catalysing thriving organisations impacting women and girls on the continent.
Her Africa CEO Leadership Fellowship Nomination Form