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The Her Africa Early Stage Incubator program is a pioneering initiative launched by the Alliance for Women and Girls (AFWAG). It aims to empower early-stage social entrepreneurs who are founders of organisations and initiatives supporting women and girls across the continent. Recognising their unique challenges and needs associated with initiatives addressing social issues, the incubator provides a support model that extends beyond traditional business support to overall leadership and improve organisational sustainability.

Who should Apply ?

Social entrepreneurs under 35 years old.

Must have initiated an organisation or social project not more than three years old supporting women and girls in an African country. Exceptional social entrepreneurs at ideation stage are encouraged to apply

The organisation or idea must be addressing critical social issues such as education, health, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and poverty alleviation, specifically for women and girls.

The Her Africa Early Stage Incubator Advantage

The Her Africa Early Stage Incubator offers the following benefits

Enhanced Leadership and Management Skills

Participants will enhance their self-awareness, resilience, communication, strategic thinking and problem-solving ability.

Increased Organisational Growth and Sustainability

Participants’ organisations will benefit from improved operational efficiency, strategic planning, financial management, and an increased access to funding and resources.

Enhanced Social

Through their actions, participants will report measurable improvements in their activities outcomes and in the lives of women and girls in their communities.

Networking and Collaboration

Participants will benefit from experienced faculty members, experts and fellows for mentorship, and strategic partnerships with NGOs, government agencies, and private sector organisations.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Participants will continue to pursue personal and professional growth through access to AFWAG’s resources and alumni network.

Application Process

1. Application Deadline: 24th August 2024

2. Notification of acceptance to selected applicants From 15th September 2024

3. Incubator start 14th October 2024

HAESI Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Her Africa Early Stage Incubator (HAESI) program?

The HAESI program is designed to empower young leaders of organisations focused on addressing social issues impacting women and girls in Africa. It offers an opportunity to build the leadership they need to enable them access resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to enhance organisational capacity and impact.

Who can participate in the program?

The program is open to applicants under 35 years old who hold a leadership role (founder, co-founder, or equivalent) in an organisation established no more than three years ago. Alternatively, individuals with exceptionally innovative project ideas are also eligible.

Is the incubator program free of charge?

Yes, the HAESI  program is completely free of charge for all selected participants.

Will the program be fully conducted online?

Yes, the program will be conducted entirely online, allowing participants to join from anywhere in Africa.

What benefits will participants receive?

Participants will improve their leadership and management skills, increased self-awareness, resilience, and strategic thinking. They will strengthen their organisation and foster their growth and positive impacts.

What type of support and opportunities are provided?

The Incubator Program provides support tailored to enhance leadership and organisational effectiveness in gender equality initiatives. It includes personalised coaching, peer-learning workshops, and networking opportunities that equip participants to navigate social challenges, build partnerships, secure funding, and achieve sustainable impact.

What is the application process for the incubator?

Prospective applicants must submit the online application detailing their organisation’s focus, their role, and how they plan to leverage the incubator’s resources. Applications are reviewed by a selection committee to identify candidates with the potential to significantly impact gender equity in Africa.